Staycation Fund
Fun vacation spots await you right in your own hometown. Roll the dice and travel around the colorful game board earning, saving and donating money.
40449 - Each
36.95 ea

Fun vacation spots await you right in your own hometown! Roll the dice and travel around the colorful game board earning, saving and donating money. Teaches children the value of money, as well as math and decision-making skills. Game includes: 8 pawns, 1 spinner, 2 dice, 8 destination tracker dry erase boards, 4 dry erase markers, 30 destination cards, 40 pieces of money in each denomination ($1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100), 24 bonus chips, 8 savings pouches, 1 donation pouch, 40 color cards and an instruction manual. 2-8 players. Ages 4 and up.

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